Representation Link to Jurassic World Trailer

In the Jurassic World trailer there are two protagonists, one male and one female. However, both genders are shown following typical stereotypes and not portrayed as equals. However, the actions carried out by both suggest that the male has more power and authority than the female protagonist. It is clear that the male protagonist has authority as he makes the decision for everyone to "evacuate the island" as the female stands back looking worried.

In regards to female representation, the woman is the one at fault for the dinosaur disaster a she created the hybrid dinosaur. This means that she is still following the 'damsel in distress' character role meaning she isn't reliable and in control enough to look after herself. This is again a negative view on women following typical derogatory stereotypes.

From these gender roles I can take on board this information and make sure my website or any of my ancillary tasks do not portray women in a demeaning way. I can make sure I stay away from typical stereotypes by firstly having an equal share of programmes for male and female shows, so neither gender is segregated. This means that the house fonts and colours have to be neutral to both males and females, meaning there couldn't be colours that fit into stereotypes.