My whole production is what a postmodernist would call a simulation as it is not real. It is something that is based on real life, however it is an imitation. This does not change how my work would look compared to the real thing as it will still look like and have the qualities of a real product, but it is still not original and based on other styles and conventions.
Analysing my production through Postmodernist techniques
After looking at my production from a postmodern view, I have found that my production can be defined using two postmodern terms. These include Pastiche & Simulation. A pastiche is something that follows the same style from something previously. My production is a pastiche as the ident video will be similar to the style of something seen before. This is because I will be using a jack-in-the-box symbol to summarize comedy. Postmodernists would say that my website is a pastiche as it will be in the same style as most websites and will not be enterely new or indvidual.
My whole production is what a postmodernist would call a simulation as it is not real. It is something that is based on real life, however it is an imitation. This does not change how my work would look compared to the real thing as it will still look like and have the qualities of a real product, but it is still not original and based on other styles and conventions.
My whole production is what a postmodernist would call a simulation as it is not real. It is something that is based on real life, however it is an imitation. This does not change how my work would look compared to the real thing as it will still look like and have the qualities of a real product, but it is still not original and based on other styles and conventions.