Ident Video Final Piece

Here is a link to my Ident Video

Double Page Spread Final Piece

After talking to Tony, I have updated my Double Page Spread to give it a more professional look. One of the main suggestions was to make the title more eye catching. I have done this by increasing the font size, changing the colour (also the team colours of the team shown in the article) and adding a shadow effect to make it more bold and attractive to the eye of the reader. Another update from the first draft was to loose some text, as it was too bunched up and didn't look appealing to read and as a result of this I have trimmed it down.

Feedback On My Work From People In the Industry

After showing my work to people in the industry, I was able to gain helpful feedback which will enable me to improve my main task and two ancillary tasks.

Pete Carvell is Marlwood School's IT Technician, you can see a link to the school website that he was responsible for designing here. The improvements he suggested that would help my production are:
  • Images in the carousel need to be the same size
  • The edge of the page needs to be in line correctly
  • Darker colours of certain teams don't show up very well, therefore possibly scrap the different colours and add small specific team coloured basketball jerseys next to each team
  • The background picture contrasts too much from either side of the page, it is too dark on the right and too bright on the left
  • For the 'important dates' page the columns can be moved closer together to make it easier to line up which date equates to which event
  • Possibly increase the font size of the text on the 'important dates' page
  • Make the channel number 'channel 122' more visible and more clear on the page, possibly add it permanently to the top of the page by the name of the website and slogan
  • Make each box at the bottom of the homepage the same size and length and line them up together
Steve Richards is a graduate in Film Production Technology from Staffordshire University and was very helpful when analysing and making suggestions about my ident video. His suggestions included:
  • Make the shot landscape to fill the screen
  • Ass different cuts next to each other, an alternative way of filling space
  • Audio - use sounds of the ball dropping into the net, or the basketball trope of shoes squeaking on the gym floor
Tony Baxter is the Managing Director at Voodoo Designs. Here is a link to his company. Some of his suggestions included:
  • Make the header/title more bold and eye catching as this should be the first thing that catches the readers eye
  • Lose some text, it it too bunched up and is too close to the edge of the page
  • Add a drop shadow effect to the smaller picture as it is too blurred in with the background picture

Double Page Spread Research

These are some double page spread examples from a popular basketball magazine in America named Slam.

Although these 2 articles are more than just double-page spreads, they follow the same format of a double page spread. Key conventions that I have noticed are that pictures play a bigger role than the text, as on every page the pictures stand out and fill the empty space, whereas text looks to play a secondary role (although the text is undoubtedly still important). This allows the pictures to be dynamic and in some cases the pictures do speak more than the words. This means that I will look to fill space with large pictures and the text will fit around it.

Ident First Drafts

These are my four ident ideas. I decided that all shots would be in slow motion as that is one of the main conventions of an ident video. There are two different shots, and two attempts at each shot. For the shot underneath the basket, I decided to do it again as I felt that the sound was not to the right standard, also the way the ball entered the net was not as 'pretty' as it could have been. As for the other shot, I was unsure of having a model in my piece as it didn't fit my purpose which was to be generic and simple. However, I did like the idea of the 'layup' shown so I retook the shot but focused on the basket, cutting out the model for the most part.

The reason I like this ident is becasue it is very generic and suiting of a TV ident, as there are no faces which make it lose its generic appeal. However, there are hands at the bottom of the shot which devalues the ident as it isn't quite purely generic.

This ident is effective as you get a medium shot of the basket, so there is more to see. It is also a different finish compared to the first ident, as this is a layup compared to a standard shot. The weakness is again the person shown which doesn't make it generic, although this is impossible to avoid when filming a layup.

I like these idents because they are generic and simple which is what I was going for. I chose to take two different shots to have an option to choose, as the first shot didn't finish into the net as nicely as it could of. The second shot is more of a 'swish' shot meaning it is very central to the net and results in a swishing motion of the net, which is the best looking shot.

Planning my Double Page Spread

For my double page spread, the target audience will need to be addressed and persuaded to watch my TV channel. The purpose of the TV listings double page spread is exactly that, to grow the audience but also to inform the target audience that I already have attracted about what shows are on. I can address my audience by adding featured programmes which are the most popular. This would attract attention as the reader of the magazine would see the popular shows advertised and therefore would be more likely to tune in to the channel.

There are two different ways I could choose to design my double page spread. One is to have a TV listings schedule with several added featured shows that are on. The other possibility is to have a more detailed feature on just one show that is featuring on my channel. In my opinion, this would look better than a tv listings guide as there would be more space for pictures which would allow me to add better/more dramatic pictures that would make the TV show advertised look more enticing.

Website First Draft - What needs to be improved?

Now that my first draft has been completed, I can analyse it and see what I need to improve on. The first thing that stands out on the website is that none of the photos used were my own. My chosen subject, basketball, proves difficult to take your own pictures for, however I still need to use my own photographs in order to follow the criteria. An idea that was suggested to me was to replace the picture of the balloons and redo that myself, adding different colour balloons lined up with a clear mise en scene and then later editing the picture, adding each letter of 'welcome' onto each separate balloon.

Name for my TV Channel

A TV channel name must be catchy, relevant and snappy. From research I found that TV channels which are not part of a chain (such as Sky Sports, Sky Movies) are often one or two words. However one pitfall I have discovered from this is that they may not be perceived as a TV channel. For example the name 'Laugh' does not instantly make you think of the TV channel. This problem is often resolved by adding TV to the end of the name to make it 'Laugh TV'.

Relevance is also important as it needs to bring the right connotations to the the channel. This means that their must be no ambiguity in the meaning of the word and the preferred reading needs to be clear and concise. An example of a TV channel which has addressed this is Channel 4. There are no connotations and it is specific and clear to where you will find it on the TV guide.

Below is a list of ideas of names for my channel:
  • Hoops TV
  • Nothin' But Net TV
  • Handle TV
  • BBTV (Basketball TV)
  • Slam
  • Dunk TV

From this list I have concluded that Hoops TV is the one I think will suit best, as it fits basketball the most and doesn't have any bad connotations. It is also basketball jargon which will likely be more attractive to basketball fans.

Analysing my production through Postmodernist techniques

After looking at my production from a postmodern view, I have found that my production can be defined using two postmodern terms. These include Pastiche & Simulation. A pastiche is something that follows the same style from something previously. My production is a pastiche as the ident video will be similar to the style of something seen before. This is because I will be using a jack-in-the-box symbol to summarize comedy. Postmodernists would say that my website is a pastiche as it will be in the same style as most websites and will not be enterely new or indvidual.

My whole production is what a postmodernist would call a simulation as it is not real. It is something that is based on  real life, however it is an imitation. This does not change how my work would look compared to the real thing as it will still look like and have the qualities of a real product, but it is still not original and based on other styles and conventions.

To Do List & Revisit in April 2015

Tuesday 10th February Deadline:

  • First draft of TV website channel completed
  • First Cut for Ident video completed (that means footage shot and edited)
  • First draft of TV listings Double-Page Spread 
Things to do:
  • Shoot and Edit Ident footage
  • Complete first attempt at creating the website using the software 'Quick 'N Easy Web Builder 2'
  • Create double-page spread with TV listings and focused on the launch of the channel

Revisited April 2015:

I managed to complete all tasks on the list by the deadline of 10th February that was set. However, there were some issues along the way. There was a glitch in the website design software which meant some parts of it had to be manually coded. This had a negative impact on my timing when it came to deadlines as it was very unexpected and took time away from completing other tasks.

On the other hand, the double page spread production ran smoothly compared to the website design, therefore I managed to make some time up that I lost and still make the deadline. Although, I didn't include any TV listsings on the double-page spread as it didn't match with my content analysis or the real media conventions that I researched.

Content Analysis of Real Media TV Websites

The main purpose for a television website is to advertise it's programmes. One convention that is used on all the main TV channel websites is the obvious advertisement of the programmes that are shown on that channel. Websites such as Dave and Channel 5 both use a scrolling gadget that uses space on the web page efficiently yet still manages to showcase and advertise all their major shows.

From my Content Analysis I have found trends which I can replicate in my website. No websites that I researched had a catch up player, this means that for me to create a website that will rival ESPN, Sky Sports and, it is highly recommended to include a catch up player on my site. Another feature I found to be significant was a link to the latest news, which would be a useful for visitors and will most likely make them visit the website more often.

What was popular however, was the television listings shown on the website, this was present on every website. One trend that I found which was no surprise was the use of pictures. Every website incorporated pictures into the look of their websites, whether it was pictures related to individual programmes on the channel, or it was related to the news of that day (bearing in mind only if they had a news link featured on their website in the first place).

Social Media was shown to be more popular in the modern day for TV channel websites. However, to gain the most publicity for my website possible, I will include this as it is increasingly becoming more popular and it doesn't affect the image of the website or TV channel by including it.

How I Will Create My Website

When designing a website, it is vital that some criteria is met for it to be a successful one. The website has to be user friendly and easy to use and also has to have some originality to it for it to stand out. The purpose of my website is to inform as it will have TV listings and other information about my television channel as well as having a second purpose to persuade viewers from rival channels such as Comedy Central.

To make my website stand out, I will need to stick to a house style font which matches the branding of the channel itself, so that it would be instantly recognisable. When designing the website I need to make sure to avoid making it too 'clunky' and overcomplicated. This will frustrate my audience and will make them less likely to watch the channel.

For my website design I have chosen to download a specific software to the Apple Mac computers. This software is called 'Quick 'n Easy Web Builder 2'. I have chosen this software as it is easy to use which gives me more time to focus on the content of the website, as opposed to spending more to on the detailed creation of coding a website.

Representation Link to Jurassic World Trailer

In the Jurassic World trailer there are two protagonists, one male and one female. However, both genders are shown following typical stereotypes and not portrayed as equals. However, the actions carried out by both suggest that the male has more power and authority than the female protagonist. It is clear that the male protagonist has authority as he makes the decision for everyone to "evacuate the island" as the female stands back looking worried.

In regards to female representation, the woman is the one at fault for the dinosaur disaster a she created the hybrid dinosaur. This means that she is still following the 'damsel in distress' character role meaning she isn't reliable and in control enough to look after herself. This is again a negative view on women following typical derogatory stereotypes.

From these gender roles I can take on board this information and make sure my website or any of my ancillary tasks do not portray women in a demeaning way. I can make sure I stay away from typical stereotypes by firstly having an equal share of programmes for male and female shows, so neither gender is segregated. This means that the house fonts and colours have to be neutral to both males and females, meaning there couldn't be colours that fit into stereotypes.

Lessons to learn from AS: Genre

Sky: The colour of the sky is very dark and dreary. This is an explicit genre signifier of an urban area, for example the suburbs of London are always presented with surrounding grey skies.

Chain Fence: The chain fence segregates the model from the readers. This gives the effect that they are not interested in the reader and there is a sense that they are more important.

Font: Despite the urban genre, the font I used was very plain and unresponsive. It doesn't have any major connotations, this was based on the fact that it was a free magazine and I intended it to have a simplified look.

Facial Expressions (Yellow): From the stern facial expressions it is clear that the model seems unimpressed, referring back to the chain fence where the model is seen as more important.

Hand Gestures (Non-verbal Communication): The model's hand gestures are the most explicit example of a genre signifier. The gesture is seen as rude and excludes audiences such as the older generation.

Clothing (Mise en Scene): The clothing of the model is very lacklustre in terms of staying true to the genre. This was the result from lack of planning and is a key factor that would need to be changed for A2.

'Reefers' (Trade term for referring captions): These captions are similar to the font in the way that they are not specifically related to genre. Both these and the font are more serious and sensible which broadens the audience slightly, making the magazine more likely to be picked up or read from a more mature audience.

Revisiting Representation at AS

Looking back at my Foundation Production, I didn't talk about representation or unconscious bias. Although it wasn't mentioned, I have unconsciously chosen specific mise en scene to suit my character's image. Looking at both the cover page and the contents page the backgrounds chosen are urban and worn-down to suits the characters urban genre.

Ident Ideas

For my Ident, as my television genre is based on basketball, I have some initial ideas based on the real media examples I have previously looked at. Although I have not done much analysis on the idents from 'Sky Sports' and 'ESPN', I have gained inspiration from some of their idents.

The initial ideas for my ident would include:
  1. A slow motion close-up focused on a basketball net, with the ball going through the net. This is a typical trope of a sport ident but would be a fiitng choice.
  2. A close-up or mid-shot of a basketball rolling down the street - this would give an urban theme to basketball which is not fiitng within the conventions of basketball.
  3. Slow motion pan of an empty court, possibly with balls on the floor/rolling.
  4. Snapshot of a coach talking tactics with his team, including a shot of the whiteboard and the coach talking to the players.

Clarifying My Target Audience Based On Competitors

As I have chosen my television channel to be based around basketball, this means I will have a specific target audience to adhere to. To discover this audience, I decided to research into the target audience of my main sporting competitor, ESPN. Here is a link to the marketing statistics for ESPN, although these statistics are based on the US audience they are mostly given as percentages so they can be reinterpreted to fit the UK audience.

Another main competitor in sports is Sky Sports, who are based in England therefore are a stronger competitor than ESPN. The target audience for both channels is predominantly men, although sport is becoming increasingly popular with women. This means that for my main and ancillary tasks I cannot exlude the female market as I will lose a large chunk of my audience.

Real Media Conventions of Idents

I have found a useful website that shows ident's for popular channels including all channels on BBC, ITV and Sky. The link to the website can be found here. From this website I managed to gain information on the real media conventions of idents.

Here is a link to my slideshare presentation about the real media conventions of idents. This has helped me as I have gained the key features of idents which has prepared me to create my own. I have also included a conclusion and 'lessons that I have learnt' that will enable me to create a successful ident permitting that I keep to these lessons learnt.

ITV & BBC Idents

At 6am on Monday 14th January 2013, ITV unveiled its new identity across all its outlets including broadcast, online, its studios and distribution. At its heart is a new logo designed in-house by ITV Creative in collaboration with design specialist Matt Rudd, and type specialists Fontsmith.

For its flagship channel, the most noticeable change is its renaming back to just 'ITV' - dropping the '1' introduced back on 11th August 2001. Its idents convey scenes of day-to-day life of the British public, and they are overlaid with the new logo which magnifies the predominant colour of the area behind each of its sections to create an ever changing image. It is aimed to have a broad, ever increasing range of idents to reflect the mood of the day, the season or time of the year.

At Christmas 2013, Mums on the Run, Night Cyclists, Log Fire and Ice Scraper returned to supplement the Christmas idents, with the rest of the set airing again from 2nd January 2014. For 2014, all the first set of idents have been edited so that the ITV logo appears sooner, and stays on throughout - in the manner of the second, third and fourth sets of idents.

For the launch of BBC ONE HD on 3rd November 2010, the current set of idents received a further update. The swirl over the logo form-up is now solid red and the logo itself is better defined for HD. Unlike ITV1 HD - which has idents that include HD in the logo - BBC ONE HD's presentation is up scaled from the SD channel and no HD identifier is used.

Impact on my own production:
This passage of information shows that idents, logos and even the channel name can be slightly altered and the channel will still be highly popular. This means when creating my ident video I can have several drafts that don't make the final cut, and then possibly add them in later to the channel for a fresh look which would keep the audience from getting bored of the idents and the channel overall.

Aptitude - Creativity Website

Aptitude are a company that work with creativity, here is a link to their website. They mainly work in website design which takes advantage of their creative skillset.

This could be useful to me as one of their focuses is website design. However, their key focus involves responsive website design.

"The increase of mobile technology has transformed the way we now browse the web. Smartphones and tablets are increasingly becoming the norm, and it is important that your website not only looks great, but also works well on all screen sizes; big or small.
Here at Aptitude we develop all our websites to be responsive, which means they will automatically adapt and respond to accommodate any device - whether that be a smartphone, a tablet, a desktop or even a TV.
Our experienced team of web designers don't use templates, and as a result each and every website we design is original and bespoke. As an accredited and certified web design agency, we understand that a great looking website is only the start.
User experience is now a top priority for any serious site owner, which is why we take the time to understand your wants and needs for your website, enabling us to create a unique and innovative design that ticks all the boxes."

Here's what they say about website design:

"The increase of mobile technology has transformed the way we now browse the web. Smartphones and tablets are increasingly becoming the norm, and it is important that your website not only looks great, but also works well on all screen sizes; big or small.
Here at Aptitude we develop all our websites to be responsive, which means they will automatically adapt and respond to accommodate any device - whether that be a smartphone, a tablet, a desktop or even a TV.
Our experienced team of web designers don't use templates, and as a result each and every website we design is original and bespoke. As an accredited and certified web design agency, we understand that a great looking website is only the start.
User experience is now a top priority for any serious site owner, which is why we take the time to understand your wants and needs for your website, enabling us to create a unique and innovative design that ticks all the boxes."

Impact on my own production:
From this quote I can take away some key factors that I will make sure to incorporate into my website. For example, user experience is considered a ' top priority' which means I need to make sure that my website is very user friendly and easy to use. Another area I could make sure to incorporate into my website would be to make my website responsive, meaning it can adapt to any screen size whether it be iPhone, iPad or Android smartphone.

Deciding a TV Genre

In the UK, there are some sports that aren't available to watch as they are not considered popular enough. A prime example of this would be basketball, which is aired in most countries and is most popular in the United States. This means there is a niche in the UK television market for a basketball sports channel that aires live basketball and I have decided to base my TV Website, Double Page Spread and Ident Video on basketball.

Real Media: Genre Work

As we can refer to real media examples that we have been involved in in the exam, we have been asked to shoot the cover photo for the 6TH form school prospectus. Firstly, we did some research to find out the genre identifiers of the covers. The main identifiers were:

  • A group of mixed gender and sometimes different ethnic backgrounds
  • Students smiling and laughing
  • Students often have a pen and paper in front of them
  • Some gathered round a table
  • If only single model, mostly female
  • Models are sometimes standing with books
Once this research was carried out, we went around the school to take pictures that fit in with the genre identifiers. The next stage, after taking the pictures, was to go through all the pictures and make a group decision of which ones to keep and which ones to get rid of. 

Finally, we narrowed the choice down to two. This was carried out by looking for inferred or extra meanings within the pictures and which ones had the best narrative, which enabled us to see which pictures would and would not suit a school prospectus.

The two that were chosen both followed some of the genre identifiers such as the single student in one was female and both were shown with student(s) smiling and laughing with school work in front of them.
Impact on my own production:
This can be linked to the Advanced Production Coursework as it has enhanced my knowledge of how to spot genre identifiers. This is helpful to me as I am now able to categorise the narrative of different TV websites which will be useful and easier for me when creating my own TV website.

Mission Statement & Brief

For my Advanced Production I have decided to go with:

Option (9) A website for a new TV channel (to include a minimum of three hyperlinked pages with original images, audio and video extract), together with two of the following three options:

  • A newspaper advertisement for the channel;
  • A double page spread for a listings magazine, focused on the channels launch;   (Task 1)
  • An animated ident sequence for the channel   (Task 2)
     = Chosen options.

Pitfalls to Avoid:
  • Make sure the website is live by the deadline
  • Make sure any media I upload is available
  • Don't overcrowd my piece with too much text
I decided to choose these tasks because the final pieces differed from the AS print pieces. This means I will get to use new digital technology and other software that I am not used to, which will improve my overall skills as a media student. For example, in AS I never used any technology involving film, therefore it will be my first time using software like 'iMovie' when it comes to making my ident video.

Langue & Parole & Their Links to TV Websites

Langue: A language viewed as an abstract system used by a speech community, in contrast to the actual linguistic behaviour of individuals.

Parole: The actual linguistic behaviour or performance of individuals, in contrast to the linguistic system of a community.

Links to TV Websites:
  • Navigation bar that's fixed so that when scrolling the bar is always at the top
  • Twitter Feeds
  • Displays of TV programmes - categorised by: Editors Pick, New Releases, Featured/Most Popular
  • The footer of the page contains links to related channels
  • Clips of TV shows
  • Search Bar
  • A-Z List of TV programmes
  • Recent news feed
  • Other interactive content - e.g. Quizzes
  • Links to a catch up channel/ iPlayer